I am trying to run a mediation model using SAS Studio on Demand for Academic with three treatments repeatedly measured at four different time points. The IV and DV are latent variables-so each contains four scaled items. I also have a few control variables. So, for example: I have an IV (5 items) and DV (4 items). I repeatedly measured both IV and DV under three different treatments or conditions four different times. So, it would look like this: IVCondition1/DVlCondition1 time0, IVCondition1/Condition1 time1, IVCondition1/DVCondition1 time2, IVCondition1/DVCondition1 time3 IVCondition2/DVlCondition2 time0, IVCondition2/Condition2 time1, IVCondition2/DVCondition2 time2, IVCondition2/DVCondition2 time3 IVCondition1/DVlCondition3 time0, IVCondition1/Condition3 time1, IVCondition1/DVCondition3 time2, IVCondition3/DVCondition3 time3 I also have control variables which I measure once. proc calis data=work.import1 method=ml; /* Define latent variables for IV and DV */ Define: IV Latent_IV1 Latent_IV2 Latent_IV3; /* IV with three indicators */ DV Latent_DV1 Latent_DV2 Latent_DV3 Latent_DV4; /* DV with four indicators */ /* Specify measurement model for IV and DV */ model: /* Measurement model for IV */ IV =~ Latent_IV1 Latent_IV2 Latent_IV3; /* Measurement model for DV */ DV =~ Latent_DV1 Latent_DV2 Latent_DV3 Latent_DV4; /* Specify treatment effects at different time points for IV */ path: IV_T0 <-- IV_T1 <-- IV_T2 <-- IV_T3; /* Specify treatment effects at different time points for DV */ path: DV_T0 <-- DV_T1 <-- DV_T2 <-- DV_T3; /* Control variables */ FRLegitimacy1-FRLegitimacy6 UAEnational Incomelevel Educationlevel YearsUAEres; /* Structural equation model specification */ lineqs: /* Include the effect of IV at Time 0 on DV at Time 0 */ DV_T0 = b1*IV_T0; /* Include the effect of IV at Time 1 on DV at Time 1 */ DV_T1 = b2*IV_T1; /* Include the effect of IV at Time 2 on DV at Time 2 */ DV_T2 = b3*IV_T2; /* Include the effect of IV at Time 3 on DV at Time 3 */ DV_T3 = b4*IV_T3; run; Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also tried calling SAS's customer service to speak with an expert but they were unfortunately useless as they don't offer such help for the studio version.
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