Hi Joe,
Your PostMan file worked perfectly when I run it. However, let's replicate my issue as the following:
1- Create a SAS Code file with the same code in your Job Definition and save it under your folder.
proc print data=sashelp.class; run;
2- Right click on SAS code file , Create Job and then Schedule it for one time. This worked!
3- From Environment Manager --> Jobs --> Scheduling --> Job Propriety --> Job Definition Tab then get the job Id. You will notice Type is Compute as well.
4- Go to Postman, run only CAS Session authentication to get Session Id (Without Job Definition task)
5- Run Your jobExecution with a Pre-requisite script as below where the "456...etc" is the job id retrieved from step #3.
pm.environment.set("jobDefinition", "4568b08b-e071-4d9a-9f2e-88f12192e134");
You will then get the same error as mine (I attached the response too)
"error": {
"errorCode": 31509,
"message": "Job routing failure.",
"errors": [
"errorCode": 5734,
"message": "The job must include an argument named either \"_contextName\" or \"_sessionId\".",
"details": [
"traceId: 0e7e88358410279b",
"path: /compute/jobs"
"links": [],
"version": 2,
"httpStatusCode": 400
"links": [],
"version": 2,
"httpStatusCode": 400
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