Hello, I am working with a large dataset (over 12,000 lines of data) of measured values for soil moisture. The experimental design is somewhat complex: measurements collected at four distances in relation to a central tree row (DIST), within five silvicultural treatments (TRT), over three years (YEAR), at two sites (SITE). Each site contains four blocks (BLOCK). Essentially, DIST is nested within TRT which is nested within YEAR within SITE. The premise of the experiment is to determine how soil moisture varies in relation to distance from trees due to silvicultural treatment. Soil moisture measurements were collected at each site every two weeks, during each of the three growing seasons. After examining residuals and running the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, I have determined the data is not normally distributed, even when it is log transformed. Therefore, I've decided testing with Proc Glimmix is necessary. The SAS code I'm using runs properly and converges, but I am unsure I've specified the SUBJECT correctly and after running it several ways it seems specifying the correct subject can drastically affect the output. The code is as follows: PROC GLIMMIX DATA=KURT; CLASS BLOCK SITE YEAR TRT DIST; MODEL MOISTURE = SITE YEAR TRT DIST SITE*TRT YEAR*TRT TRT*DIST SITE*TRT*DIST YEAR*TRT*DIST SITE*YEAR*TRT*LOCATION; RANDOM _RESIDUAL_/ TYPE=CS SUBJECT=REP(TRT*DIST); LSMEANS SITE*YEAR*TRT*DIST/ PDIFF=ALL ADJUST=TUKEY LINES SLICE=SITE; NLOPTIONS TECH=NRRIDG; RUN; When I run this, I get a significant SITE*YEAR*TRT*LOCATION effect. However, my other inclination was to run the model with SUBJECT=REP(SITE*YEAR*TRT*DIST), and running this model I do not get the significant four way interaction....so I'm curious if anyone has an idea which is the proper way to conduct this analysis? This will be the first of my heiarchial testing for treatment effects. If site interacts with treatment, I will be analyzing the data seperately sites. At that point, if year interacts with treatment I will analyze each year within each site seperately by sampling date. Any advise concerning this question would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Kurt
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