How do I format a Proc Report in EG so that the .SRX generated displays any row/column banding that I apply? It displays on the HTML, but not the SRX, so when I run the procedure in AMO, the formatting is lost.
options missing = '';
ods escapechar = '^';
proc report data = p1 style = pearl;
columns div disc ees_tot ees
('Traffic'('^S={background=ffc425} Inet' t_inet_d t_inet) ('Recr' t_recr_d t_recr)
('Refr' t_refr_d t_refr) ('Reac' t_reac_d t_reac))
format ees_tot ees comma9.;
define div / group;
define t_inet_d / style(header) = [background=ffc425];
break after div / summarize;
rbreak after / summarize;
compute after div;
line ' ';
compute after;
if div = '' then div = 'OGR';
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