Using 9.04 TS1M2 & EG 5.1. I'm using PROC SGRENDER to render a graph. When the output goes to the PDF writer directly, a conditional block in the PROC TEMPLATE executes and the result displayed as expected (in my case, if the condition passes, it adds a HIGHLOWPLOT to a statgraph). But when I put my PROC SGRENDER in an ODS DOCUMENT sandwich, and then replay, I am surprised to see everything as expected except no HIGHLOWPLOT. When I comment out the conditional statement and closing ENDIF, the HIGHLOWPLOW appears as expected when REPLAYed. Thank you for your time in helping me resolve this issue. Here's what I have, more or less. The HIGHLOW will appear in the default ODS output, but not the REPLAY output: proc template;
define statgraph drama;
dynamic CI_Y_or_N;
/*Code omitted for brevity*/
if(upcase(CI_Y_or_N) eq 'Y'
/*HIGHLOWPLOT code here */ endif;
/*More code omitted here*/
ods document name=work.yesCIdoc(write);
proc sgrender data=llama template=drama;
dynamic CI_y_or_N = "Y";
ods document close;
proc document name=work.yesCIdoc;
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