Hi, Repackaging in MSI can be problematic because in order to be successful all systems in the deployment must be identical. A SAS deployment introduces a few Microsoft redistributables into the hosting environment based on the product mix being deployed and the state of the hosting environment. If repackaging in MSI is done on a hosting environment that is different than a hosting environment on which the MSI will subsequently be deployed, certain system updates may be missing which will cause runtime errors. Some organizations have a strict requirement for MSI based deployment. If that is the case in your organization the key to success is to ensure that the system on which the package is created is identical the systems on which the MSI will be deployed. If MSI is not a strict requirement then I recommend using the SAS Deployment Wizard's record and playback capabilities documented in Chapter 3 of the SDW user's guide. http://support.sas.com/documentation/installcenter/en/ikdeploywizug/64204/PDF/default/user.pdf This will yeild predictable results more so than repackaging because the SAS Deployment Wizard has all the knowledge about what updates to apply and when based on the product mix chosen and the hosting environment. Cheers, -Jason
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