I need to express my linear regression model as an equation so that I can calculate the predictions separately (ie, outside SAS). Ditto for my logistic regression model. Could you confirm whether I'm doing this correctly?
LINEAR regression parameter estimates (using proc genmod)
Intercept: 3.9273
var1: 0.0015
I've expressed the equation as: prediction = 3.9273 + 0.0015*var1
LOGISTIC regression parameter estimates (using proc logistic, binary, solving for "1")
Intercept: -2.8240
var2: 1.2638
I've expressed the equation as: probability = exp(-2.8240 + 1.2638*var2) / (1 + exp(-2.8240 + 1.2638*var2))
Yes, no, maybe so??? I need to confirm because when I do this, the answers do not match what I get when scoring in SAS directly. Thank you!
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