I have 3 models: same dependent variable (indicator variabl with 3 group: 1,2,3- no order among them ). I use proc survey logistic. Here are the 3 modles, and the refrence group for the dependent variable is "2": 1) proc surveylogistic data=lib.data ; strata industry fyear loc /list ; where b_a=0 ; class ac1 (ref='2') Mandatory (ref=first) Enforcement(ref=first) registration (ref=first) / param = ref ; model ac1 = registration log_fvalue debt_to_equity ROA_NI/ link=glogit RSQUARE ; run; 2) proc surveylogistic data=lib.data; strata industry fyear loc /list ; where b_a=0 ; class ac1 (ref='2') Mandatory (ref=first) Enforcement(ref=first) registration (ref=first) / param = ref ; model ac1 = registration Enforcement Mandatory log_fvalue debt_to_equity ROA_NI/ link=glogit RSQUARE ; run; 3) proc surveylogistic data=lib.data; strata industry fyear loc /list ; where b_a=0 ; class ac1 (ref='2') Mandatory (ref=first) Enforcement(ref=first) registration (ref=first) / param = ref ; model ac1 = X1 x2 registration Enforcement Mandatory log_fvalue debt_to_equity ROA_NI/ link=glogit RSQUARE; run; As you can see model 3 includes more independent variables. I want to Compare the Incremental Explanatory Power of model 3 over model 2 and model 1. Now i just comare the R sequre of the 3 models, but I want to Compare the Incremental Explanatory Power, using wald statistic for the model or other measure to compare the explenatory power of the model. What is the right syntax? tnk
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