I'm trying to use PROC GIS for geocoding for entire US data. However the below code is useful only for Wake County, NC. How to change the lookup table so that I can get entire US data? I'm using the following code available at "http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/apdatgis/65034/HTML/default/viewer.htm#p05a52iwq7jb9cn1sawpcjhkhek9.htm"
/*--- Copy the base map to the WORK library ---*/
proc gis;
copy MAPS.WAKE.TRACT.GISMAP / /* Map entry to copy */
destlib = WORK /* Destination library */
destcat = WORK.WAKE /* Destination catalog */
sel = (_all_) /* Copy all map components */
blank /* Clear internal map path */
replace; /* Overwrite existing entry */
/*--- Create the address data set to geocode ---*/
data WORK.ADDRESSES (label='Data set to geocode');
input address $ 1-23 /* Street address */
resident $ 24-48 /* Person at the location */
zip $ 49-53 /* 5-digit US postal code */
city $ 55-69 /* City name */
state $ 70-71; /* US state name */
700 Madison Avenue Patricia Smith 27513 Cary
506 Reedy Creek Road Jean Francois Dumas 27513 Cary
1106 Medlin Drive Michael Garriss 27511 NC
1150 Maynard Road Kaspar Gutman 27511 Cary
138 Dry Ave. Susan Lang 27511 NC
3112 Banks Road Roy Hobbs 27603 Raleigh NC
305 Mill Creek Drive Alan Picard 27526 Fuquay-Varina NC
1998 S. Main St. Guillermo Ugarte Wake Forest
7825 Old Middlesex Rd Capt. Jeffrey Spaulding 27807 Bailey NC
5550 Old Stage Road Emily Joyner 27603 Raleigh NC
3212 Avent Ferry Road Fred C. Dobbs 27540 NC
1050 King Charles Rd. Karin Schmidt . Raleigh NC
6819 Buffaloe Road Ferdinand Paulin 27604 NC
3211 Constant Circle Gordon Miller 34121
6111 Old Faison Road Alan Picard 27545 Knightdale
725 N. Raleigh Street Evan Rudde 27501 Angier NC
/*--- Set up variables for the Batch Geocoding program ---*/
%gcbatch( glib = WORK, /* Geocoding library */
geod = WORK.ADDRESSES, /* Address data to geocode */
nv = RESIDENT, /* Who's at the address */
av = ADDRESS, /* Address variable */
cv = CITY, /* Place name */
sv = STATE, /* State name */
zv = ZIP, /* ZIP code (5-digit) */
pv = TRACT, /* AREA value from map data */
mname = WORK.WAKE.TRACT); /* Map data used for geocoding */
/*--- Run the Batch Geocoding program ---*/
Appreciate your inputs here as I'm a novice in PROC GIS.
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