Hello, I am using SAS Viya for Learners in JupyterLab platform. It appears that I have established the connection to CAS. Issue: I am unable to read the data file and generate description statistics. I can't figure out what part of my code (appended below) is wrong and how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, import os
import sys
import swat
conn = swat.CAS(os.environ.get("CASHOST"), os.environ.get("CASPORT"),None,os.environ.get("SAS_VIYA_TOKEN")) In [12]: out = conn.serverstatus()
NOTE: Grid node action status report: 1 nodes, 8 total actions executed. In [13]: out
Out[13]: § About {'CAS': 'Cloud Analytic Services', 'Version': '3.04', 'VersionLong': 'V.03.04M0P07122018', 'Copyright': 'Copyright © 2014-2018 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.', 'ServerTime': '2019-07-18T15:14:47Z', 'System': {'Hostname': 'pdcesx23045', 'OS Name': 'Linux', 'OS Family': 'LIN X64', 'OS Release': '3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64', 'OS Version': '#1 SMP Tue Aug 22 21:09:27 UTC 2017', 'Model Number': 'x86_64', 'Linux Distribution': 'CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)'}, 'license': {'site': 'DEMOCENTER - Viya For Learners', 'siteNum': 70180938, 'expires': '05Dec2019:00:00:00', 'gracePeriod': 45, 'warningPeriod': 45, 'maxCPUs': 9999}} § server Server Status nodes actions0 1 8 § nodestatus Node Status name role uptime running stalled0 pdcesx23045.exnet.sas.com controller 0.108 0 0 elapsed 0.000307s · sys 0.000297s · mem 0.312MB In [14]: #conn.help(actionset='simple');
In [ ]: tbl = conn.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/'
In [ ]: conn.summary(table=tbl)
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