1. epochs are group of iterations, representing when all the data has been used in updating weight.
in stochastic gradient descent, each iteration we calculate derivatives and update weights, using only a small sample of all data. This way, when we have huge data, we can update quick. (For more information, google stochastic gradient descent.)
If we have 500 data, each iteration we sample 50, then it take 10 iterations for all data to be used once.
this 10 iterations, is an epoch.
2. validation score: the objective function, or loss. (error + regularization)
3. nthreads: is how many GPU devices you use for calculation, not related to the algorithm. SAS Viya use parallel computing, so its like how many computers you want to do the calculation. Larger number=> faster. But you can't have it larger than the available GPU your IT gives you.
4. stagnation: your understanding is correct. I suspect is keep going because of the objective function value is still going down, though the error stopped going down.
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