I have searched many websites and get confused for a numeric date to date9. format. e.g. 20170101 to 01JAN2017 I have tried many methods: %let end_date_id = 20170101;
call symputx('end_date_id', input( put( end_date_id, yymmddn8.), date9.));
input( put( end_date_id, 8.), date9.);
end_date_id = input(put(datepart(end_date_id), yymmddn8.),date9.);
put end_date_id = date9.;
call symputx ('end_date_id', input(put(end_date_id, yymmddn8.),date9.)); *Seems this one work; put(input(put(day_id, 8.),yymmdd8.), date9.) Is there any sggestion to perform it easily and explain the logic to me. Thanks a lot.
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