Hi RW9, thanks for the solution. I used PROC MEANS for the same on dummy table i.e. sashelp.cars for the 'Cylinders' variable. Please find code below: ods exclude all; proc means data=sashelp.cars Mean Median stddev min max stackodsoutput; var Cylinders; ods output summary=MeansSummary; run; ods exclude none; proc transpose data=MeansSummary out=meanssummary_transposed(drop=_label_ rename=(_name_=Variable Col1=value)); run; proc sql; alter table meanssummary_transposed add ColName char(30); quit; proc sql; update meanssummary_transposed set Colname='Cylinders'; quit; But I am unable to get Summary statistics as Negative count, two_SD_away,two_SD_below,three_SD_Away,three_SD_below through PROC MEANS. Could you please help?
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