I have a Scatterplot and I would like to have different Colors of the Points for different Groups. How does this work in SAS Studio? please help me 🙂
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thanks for the Information! please can you help me further!! I have These lifetest below and I need for These Tests the multiple testing: time obstime*event(0); strata blasts45; run; proc lifetest data=blasts; time obstime*event(0); strata blasts50; run; proc lifetest data=blasts; time obstime*event(0); strata blasts55; run; how doese this now work to save the pvalues from the test that they are available for my multtest procedure??
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Hey i have These datalines and i want to get a bonferroni test. how can i signalize that the p-values of the last are smaller than 0,0001? test1 0.0881 test2 <0.0001 test3 <0.0001 proc multtest inpvalues(pval)=b bon; run;
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Hey I am writing my doctor Thesis and I Need SAS for Statistics. I use SAS Studio with a Putty and it worked well since I can not log in anymore because of this error message: "The launch of the server process failed because of an invalid or inaccessible SASUSER library." please help me!!
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Hy I hope you can help me. I am writing me doctor thesis and I work with SAS Studio and maybe you can tell me how I cite this version correctly? thanks for your help!
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hey 🙂 pleas help me. I have to calculate an observation time between two dates and sas calculates the days of the periode. How can I get sas to calculate it in months? thank you for your help
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thanks a lot for your quick answers. but my problem is solved now. since I deleted the points in my excel files sas read the variables as date 🙂 thanks a lot. and for everyone no points in excel files for missing values. this can misinterpret sas variable reading!!
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hey 🙂 please please help 🙂 I have got an excel file that I converted to a sas dataset. put the date is shown as an characteristic variable and I need to convert this to a date variable. I tried a lot and I am new with SAS and programming. I study medcine and need this for results. so please help me. thanks a lot
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