Unfortunately the suggested approach of reinstalling the metadata server SASHOME and copying the configuration directory over to the new machine is not supported. Replication of SAS environments or parts of SAS environments must conform to the same standards documented in the SAS Disaster Recovery Policy and Update Host Name References documentation. https://support.sas.com/en/technical-support/services-policies/disaster-recovery-policy.html http://go.documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=bisag&docsetTarget=n0zdcqxsmd21wtn17vt0w2prek90.htm&docsetVersion=9.4&locale=en While the plan to reinstall SASHOME is good in that the SAS Deployment Wizard will be run to make sure some of the checks are done it still fails to provide a SAS environment which will not only run but is supportable and maintainable. Tasks such as applying hotfixes, applying maintenance and being able to migrate the environment often fail in these scenarios and often there is no method to recover from those failures. Even from the perspective of running, the SAS Backup and Recovery Tool and SAS Environment Manager fail to function in environments repaired using techniques such as this. Since unfortunately there are no backups of the metadata server the two supported choices here are to perform a complete new deployment using either a SAS Migration Utility package or promotion after the new environment is installed. Here is what I encourage customer to do before performing updates of their Unix SAS environment. These suggestions can also be incorporated into your backup and recover plan for your SAS environment. It is imperative that you have operating system level backups done using a method that preserves the original date/time stamps, ownership and permissions of the files/directories in your SAS environment. You need a backup of every SASHOME and SAS Configuration directory for every tier of your environment which were taken during the same outage window with all the SAS servers and processes stopped. The backups must be in sync because you will possibly need to restore all the tiers if you have unresolvable problems during your deployment. If you do not have these backups then a reinstall of the environment will likely have to be done. Thanks, Doug SAS Unix Systems Technical Support
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