The data looks like this Date,Mean 01/01/2012,xx 01/05/2012,xx 01/08/2012,xx 01/09/2012,xx 01/11/2012,xx 01/23/2012,xx 01/24/2012,xx 01/25/2012,xx 02/01/2013,xx 02/09/2013,xx 01/01/2014,xx I want my data output to have this: The date, the mean, if the day is apart of ascending days in order, the numbers of days ascending Date,Mean,Ascending_days_occurence,#_of_ascending_days 01/01/2012,xx,0,0 01/05/2012,xx,0,0 01/08/2012,xx,1,1 01/09/2012,xx,1,2 01/11/2012,xx0,0 01/23/2012,xx1,1 01/24/2012,xx1,2 01/25/2012,xx1,3 02/01/2013,xx,0,0 02/09/2013,xx,0,0 01/01/2014,xx,0,0
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