I may have a difficult question. I have conducted an observational study in the behaviour of chimpanzees. There were three groups (of 4, 6 and 7 animals) which each received a different type of intervention (Control, I1, I2). They were observed during a baseline and intervention period. Data were non-parametric. I wanted to known whether there was an effect for the interaction 'intervention x period'. My supervisor gave me the instructions as to how I had to program SAS, but actually I had no idea what it all meant at the time. I am not great in statistics and after a lot of research, I am still not confident of what I did. Now, I have to write my Materials & Methods, and I want to properly describe the statistic procedures I have done and why. Can anyone assist me? These are the instructions I was given: Proc glimmix data=dataset; class chimp group intervention period; model behaviour x = intervention x period intervention period / link=logit dist=binomial ddfm=kr; random intercept / subject=chimp(group) type=chol; lsmeans intervention x period intervention period/pdiff adjust=bon; lsmeans intervention x period intervention period/cl ilink; run;
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