Hi all, I'm writing to ODS HTML output and I'm having some difficulties with using the ODS Report Writing Interface (Object-dot syntax). I am having difficulty using overrides to justify the text for all left/center/right within a cell, a column, column/cell span, and straight text. Regardless of overrides - Within a cell, the text is always centered. Outside a cell, left justified. I am having difficult in setting the sizes of cells, columns, and their associated gutters. (Using gridded_layout for HTML) I have had to use a blank column with ALT-255 hidden spaces to compensate. Any thoughts? All web references/papers for ODS Report Writing Interface/ODS Data Step Object seem to refer to ODS PDF. I've purchased the Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond. Only a checkmark and note that "Exciting changes are on the way for ODS and the DATA step... Refer to the SAS Web site for more information." Any possibility of some help for ODS HTML? Thanks for your help!
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