I am trying to automate a program that compares today's data with data from last year's closest available date. To do this I have a list of all the days we have data last year, and I have it loop through creating a list of distances from today's date. I then calculate the minimum of these values. It works fine running it in SAS windows or EG, but when I try to run it in batch mode it crashes because the line of distances is too long. I am trying to add a enter after every ten iterations, so the line is shorter. However I can't figure out how to concatenate using ENTER as a delimiter. Here is my code, the part in bold is pseudo-code of what I want to happen: %let last_year=13DEC2016 21DEC2016 20JAN2017 07FEB2017 22FEB2017 07MAR2017 21MAR2017 28MAR2017 04APR2017 07APR2017 10APR2017 11APR2017 12APR2017 13APR2017 14APR2017 17APR2017 18APR2017 19APR2017 21APR2017 24APR2017 26APR2017 27APR2017 02MAY2017 03MAY2017 04MAY2017 05MAY2017 08MAY2017 09MAY2017 10MAY2017 11MAY2017 15MAY2017 16MAY2017 17MAY2017 18MAY2017 19MAY2017 22MAY2017 23MAY2017 24MAY2017 25MAY2017 26MAY2017 30MAY2017 31MAY2017 01JUN2017 06JUN2017 07JUN2017 14JUN2017 15JUN2017 16JUN2017 19JUN2017 20JUN2017 21JUN2017 22JUN2017 23JUN2017 26JUN2017 27JUN2017 28JUN2017 29JUN2017 30JUN2017 03JUL2017 05JUL2017 06JUL2017 10JUL2017 11JUL2017 12JUL2017 13JUL2017 14JUL2017 18JUL2017 19JUL2017 20JUL2017 25JUL2017 26JUL2017 27JUL2017 28JUL2017 31JUL2017 01AUG2017 02AUG2017 03AUG2017 04AUG2017 07AUG2017 08AUG2017 09AUG2017 10AUG2017 11AUG2017 15AUG2017 16AUG2017 17AUG2017; %let distlist0=; %let total_days=%sysfunc(countw(&last_year.)); %let lastyrday=%sysevalf(%sysfunc(today())-365); %macro histdate; %global distlist&total_days.; %do i=1 %to &total_days.; %let j=%sysevalf(&i.-1); %let date&i.=%sysevalf("%sysfunc(scan(&last_year.,&i.))"d); %let dist&i.=%sysfunc(abs(&lastyrday.-&&date&i..)); %let distlist&i.=%sysfunc(catx(%str(,),&&distlist&j..,&&dist&i..)); %if %sysfunc(mod(&i.,10))=0 %then %let distlist&i.= &&distlist&i.. || ENTER; %end; %mend; %histdate; %let mindate=%sysfunc(min(&&distlist&total_days..)); %let minnum=%sysfunc(findw("&&distlist&total_days..",&mindate.,%str(,),%str(E))); %let trimnum=%sysfunc(trim(&minnum.)); %let hist_date=%sysfunc(scan(%str(&last_year.),&trimnum.));
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