I ran rhel_iotest.sh on an i3.16xlarge. 8 Ephemeral Drives Striped using LVM as /saswork RESULTS ------- INVOCATION: rhel_iotest -t /saswork TARGET DETAILS directory: /saswork df -k: /dev/mapper/saswork-root 14841653248 33840 14841619408 1% /saswork mount point: /dev/mapper/saswork-root on /saswork type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbsize=256k,sunit=512,swidth=4096,noquota) filesize: 390.08 gigabytes STATISTICS read throughput rate: 384.15 megabytes/second per physical core write throughput rate: 138.46 megabytes/second per physical core ----------------------------- ********* ALL ERRORS & WARNINGS ********* <<WARNING>> insufficient free space in [/saswork] for FULL test. <<WARNING>> - smaller stack size and # of blocks will be used. ***************************************** **Note: Not sure why there is an Error message about space, the /saswork drive started the test with 14TB of space free. Perhaps the amount of freespace overflowed some sort of integer value in the script. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 X 12.5TB Drives in LVM Stripe for /users RESULTS ------- INVOCATION: rhel_iotest -t /users TARGET DETAILS directory: /users df -k: /dev/mapper/users-root 40263219200 34032 40263185168 1% /users mount point: /dev/mapper/users-root on /users type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbsize=256k,sunit=512,swidth=1536,noquota) filesize: 480.09 gigabytes STATISTICS read throughput rate: 39.68 megabytes/second per physical core write throughput rate: 49.73 megabytes/second per physical core
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