Hello Community, I would like to have a SAS EG project created automatically with installed methods on the work computers. With older SAS EG versions one could create a project.xml, which one afterwards with a ZIP program compressed. A subsequent renaming from .zip to .egp has worked great. However, no longer with the SAS EG 7.1 version. (The project is empty, or has to be updated or throws an error message). Did I use the wrong conversion from the file? Is there a global template? Because of that, I've tried it with C Sharp (it works). However, the employees receive an error message when saving the document. In addition, I did not find a method to save the .sas file to an external location and point it to the SAS EG Project. (https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Enterprise-Guide/Failure-in-running-c-code-SAS-EG-7-1/m-p/313141#M21130) Finally, I tried to find a solution here in the community. (https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/Create-a-SAS-Project-Scaffold-on-the-Command-Line/ta-p/223814) Unfortunately this creates no .epg file, but only a single .sas file. In addition, I need a portable version of Python on our network, so that every employee can run my code. Now I am with my knowledge at the end and now ask again actively, how to simplify the creation of SAS EG projects simplest? We manage everything about an Excel file with several macros, with which we had autoamtized all until 7.1. The target solution is a SAS EG file with a .sas file which is also stored in a different location (save as). Thank you very much.
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