Hello, I need a bit of help creating a graph in SAS University Edition. What I am trying to do is create a scatterplot where x=response variable, y=time with 4 levels of a grouping variable. Each level of the grouping variable contains 10-12 observations at each time point. I am trying to display all observations across time, but with the observations from each group seperated in space on the chart. (I apologize if this description is lacking). Here is what I have so far: proc sgplot data=plin2bodycomp_organized;
scatter x=time y=weight / jitter group=Treatment_Group;
/*** weight= Response Variable, Treatment_Group= Group Variable **/
/* Note that jitter does technically separate the values in space, but it is not organized by group */ I have also attached the graph it produced: In R, creating the seperation I am looking for can be dong with the "position dodge" arguments when using the ggplo2 package (example below). Does SAS have anything similar? Thank you for your time and your help.
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