Thanks @JuanS_OCS . Could you please help me some more by clarifying "..such as generate your query externally of your VA server, or even on your database server itself, and just use autoload, once you have a "plain" SAS table or csv. ...". 1) Do you mean generating query on Oracle SQL Server or Toad or some similar tool and saving the result in a table. Then that table can be set to autoload ? If yes, then even this way how do i ensure that the table is always updated ? We still would need to refresh the query in SQL again and again. 2) Or, I should create the table in Oracle database using Proc SQl and Libname reference to Oracle Db and then use Date Set SAS options to copy the data to SAS LASR. all this should be written in unload and reload scripts in .sas file and put for scheduling as BASE SAS job through SAS management console ? Sorry if the question is silly but like I said, I have just started with SAS after working as SQL developer. Thank you.
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