I am going to be using factor scores based on survey scores as dependent variables. In the past, when I’ve used them as covariates, I have done some imputation to retain observations with missing values. Now I am looking to revisit my measurement framework, and without imputing, I need to balance the inclusion of more variables with the loss of observations. So, I am running these percentages on various combinations of variables, and I have seven years of data.
You might want to consider that SAS does have methods to handle this issue of different numbers of missings in different observations. And then all these complications of writing macros and counting the number of missings is unnecessary.
In particular, PROC PLS has a very sophisticated approach. Even if you don't want a PLS model, you want some other sort of model, this method will fill in the missings according to the EM algorithm, and you can work with this new data set that has no missings in whatever model you want.
From the PROC PLS documentation:
However, the MISSING= option in the PROC PLS statement provides more sophisticated ways of modeling in the presence of missing values. If you specify MISSING=AVG or MISSING=EM, then all observations in the input data set contribute to both the analysis and the OUTPUT OUT= data set. With MISSING=AVG, the fit is computed by filling in missing values with the average of the nonmissing values for the corresponding variable. With MISSING=EM, the procedure first computes the model with MISSING=AVG, then fills in missing values with their predicted values based on that model and computes the model again. Alternatively, you can specify MISSING=EM(MAXITER=n) with a large value of n in order to perform this imputation/fit loop until convergence.
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