Hello everyone I've been trying to create a JSON file to match a CMS file layout for provider data like below: My results look like: {
"npi": "1013XXXXXX",
"type": "GROUP",
"group_name": "PROVIDER GROUP",
"addresses": [
"npi": "1013XXXXXX",
"address": "1st St",
"city": "ALBUQUERQUE",
"state": "NM",
"zip": "87532",
"phone": "5559999999"
"Plans": [
"plan_id": "999999999",
"plan_id_type": "HIOS-PLAN-ID",
"network_tier": "PREFERRED",
"years": 2020
"last_updated_date": "2019-11-01"
}, My code to produce the above results is: %macro npimacro2;
%do i=1 %to &npicount;
write open object;
write values "npi" "&&NPIVar&i";
write values "type" "GROUP";
write values "group_name" "&&Provider&i";
write values "addresses";
write open array;
export work.npic (where=(npi="&&NPIVar&i") keep=npi address city state zip phone);
write close;
write values "Plans";
write open array;
export work.npiplans;
write close;
write values "last_updated_date" "2019-11-01";
write close;
%mend npimacro2; proc json out='\\SERVER\File\JSONTest.json' nosastags pretty; write open array;*Top Level; %npimacro2; write close;*Close Top Level; run; Questions are: 1. I use the npi variable in my export statement under the "addresses" array but I don't know how to remove the [NPI] variable from the results (the npi is absent from the CMS layout). How is this removed in the program (can't use drop)? Or is there a better way to program it? 2. In the CMS layout it states that the variable "years" is an array. "Years" is only a numeric field in my data and I'm not sure how that is done. I tried various methods like trying to do another "write open array" below "Plans" open array already there but the results didn't come out right. I appreciate any help. I have never had to create a JSON file before. I'm sooo close though. Thank You
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