I'm not quite sure from your question what your goal is. If you are looking for a multivariate response, would something like the following help?
I've also included time as a numeric variable in case you were looking to leverage the linear (or non-linear) structure of change over time, but I haven't worked that into the model yet.
data clp4y ; set clp4 ; logy = logp24 ; var = 'logp24' ; time = 24 ; output ; logy = logp48 ; var = 'logp48' ; time = 48 ; output ; logy = logp72 ; var = 'logp72' ; time = 72 ; output ; logy = logp96 ; var = 'logp96' ; time = 96 ; output ;
run ;
proc mixed data=CLP4y ; class var diet hormone; model logy = var diet hormone diet*hormone/ ddfm=KR; repeated var / r ; lsmeans diet hormone diet*hormone / pdiff=all ; *repeated time 4 (24 48 72 96) polynomial/summary printe; *lsmeans diet hormone diet*hormone/pdiff lines; run;
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