Iam reading an excel file using OnDemand. I tried both my own code and the right clicking option. Some of the variables names have spaces/#/- characters in the names, which we would expect SAS to convert to underscore. PROC IMPORT DATAFILE="/home/....../raw data.xlsx" OUT=WORK.MYdata DBMS=XLSX REPLACE; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; The log says everything went ok: NOTE: The import data set has 75 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: WORK.MYdata data set was successfully created. However, this is how PROC CONTENTS looks like: Group Num 8 BEST. Group Plate Num 8 BEST. Plate Cohort Num 8 BEST. Cohort Dam ID Num 8 BEST. Dam ID Infant ID Num 8 BEST. Infant ID Day Num 8 BEST. Day GM-CSF Num 8 BEST. GM-CSF IFN-g Num 8 BEST. IFN-g IL-1b Num 8 BEST. IL-1b IL-ra Num 8 BEST. IL-ra I did not get any of the usual messages about SAS converting IFN-g to IFN_g, etc... Also running the exact same code in the licensed version produces this (which is what we would expect): Group Num 8 BEST. Group Plate Num 8 BEST. Plate Cohort Num 8 BEST. Cohort Dam_ID Num 8 BEST. Dam ID Infant_ID Num 8 BEST. Infant ID Day Num 8 BEST. Day GM_CSF Num 8 BEST. GM-CSF IFN_g Num 8 BEST. IFN-g IL_1b Num 8 BEST. IL-1b IL_ra Num 8 BEST. IL-ra I an not sure what to try anymore. Why isn't SAS OnDemand giving me exactly the same result as the licensed version? (I ended up creating a SAS file in the licensed version and reading that file in the OnDemand, but I would like to be able to just import the xlsx file). Does anybody have any suggestions? I am attaching an abbreviated data set.Thank you!
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