Hi SAS experts, The following program works perfect when "style(column)={asis=on font=('Courier New',8pt) background=white};" is specified in the macro. But after the font is changed to Arial, like, ' "style(column)={asis=on font=('Arial',9pt) background=white};". It can't be alligned any more. Please help! Thank you in advance. %macro Lpagenum(filein, fileout); data _numpage; retain numpages 0; infile "&filein" length = vlg; input @1 line $varying134. vlg; if _n_ =1 then call symput("Ltitle1",line); if index(upcase(line), upcase("Page X of X")) > 0 then numpages + 1; call symput("numofpages",compress(put(numpages,5.))); run; data _odsprn; retain num 1 pageno 0 lineno 0; length line $134.; infile "&filein" length = vlg end = fin; n=_n_; input @1 line $varying134. vlg; if upcase(substr(line, 1, length(line))) = upcase(substr("&Ltitle1", 1)) then put _page_; point = index(upcase(line),upcase("Page X of X")); if point > 0 then do; if &numofpages > 0 then do; line = trim(substr(line, 1, point + 4)) ||" "|| compress(put(compress(num), 8.))||" of &numofpages"; linelen=length(trim(line)); line=trim(line)||repeat(" ",134-linelen-38)||"Data Last Modified: &moddate."; end; else line = substr(line, 1, point - 1); num + 1; end; if 5>index(line,trim("&Ltitle1"))>0 then do; pageno+1; lineno=0; line="&Ltitle1"; end; lineno+1; run; proc sort data=_odsprn; by pageno n; run; ods rtf file="&fileout" style=hpeg headery=720 footery=720; options orientation=landscape; ods listing close; proc report data=_odsprn nowd ls=134 ps=49 style(report)={asis=on just=center cellpadding=0 frame=void rules=none} /* style(column)={asis=on font=('Courier New',8pt) background=white};*/ style(column)={asis=on font=('Arial',9pt) background=white}; column pageno line; define pageno / noprint group; define line /" " width=134; break after pageno / page; run; ods rtf close; ods listing; %mend Lpagenum; proc printto new file="&OUTDIR.\TABLES_TEMP.rtf"; run; proc report data =sashelp.cars nowd center headline headskip split='*' ps=52 ls=134; column model DriveTrain origin type Horsepower Weight length; define model/left width=40; define DriveTrain/left width=10; define origin/left width=10; define type/left width=10; define horsepower/left width=10; define weight/left width=10; define length/left width=10; compute before _page_; line @1 "sponsor" @109 "Page X of X"; line @1 "protocol" ; line " "; line @50 "ttl1"; line @50 "ttl2"; line @50 "ttl3"; line @1 134*"_"; line " "; endcomp; run; quit; proc printto; run; %Lpagenum(&OUTDIR.\tables_temp.rtf, &OUTDIR.\test&OUTNAME.);
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