Here is the whole model:
proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.f;
function f1(Q, H);
return (
function f2(Q, H);
return (
function g1(Q1,Q2); return ( 0.003134 * ((Q1+Q2)**2) + 0.003089 * (Q1**2) ); endsub;
function g2(Q1,Q2); return ( 0.003134 * ((Q1+Q2)**2) + 0.003089 * (Q2**2) ); endsub;
%let Q1max = 30.4;
%let Q2max = 29.5;
%let P1min = 2.5;
%let P2min = 3.3;
%let P1max = 21.7;
%let P2max = 21.6;
%let PSETL = 1;
%let PSETR = 43;
%let HSETL = 70;
%let HSETR = 94;
%let STEP = 0.5;
options cmplib=work.funcs;
proc optmodel nthreads=64;
number P;
number H;
var Q1 >= 0 <= &Q1max;
var Q2 >= 0 <= &Q2max;
impvar HL1 = H - g1(Q1,Q2);
impvar HL2 = H - g2(Q1,Q2);
impvar P1 = Q1 * HL1 * f1(Q1, HL1) * 9.81 / 1000;
impvar P2 = Q2 * HL2 * f2(Q2, HL2) * 9.81 / 1000;
minimize Q = Q1 + Q2;
constraint P = P1 + P2;
constraint 0 <= P1 <= &P1max; /* (*) */
constraint 0 <= P2 <= &P2max; /* (*) */
set PSET = &PSETL .. &PSETR by &STEP;
set HSET = &HSETL .. &HSETR by &STEP;
num Qopt {PSET, HSET};
num Q1opt {PSET, HSET};
num Q2opt {PSET, HSET};
num P1opt {PSET, HSET};
num P2opt {PSET, HSET};
str solstatus {PSET, HSET};
num opterror {PSET, HSET};
do P = PSET;
do H = HSET;
solve with nlp / maxiter=10000 multistart=(maxstarts=10) seed=54321;
put P= H= HL1= HL2= P1= P2= Q1= Q2= _solution_status_=;
Qopt[P,H] = Q.sol;
Q1opt[P,H] = Q1.sol;
Q2opt[P,H] = Q2.sol;
P1opt[P,H] = P1;
P2opt[P,H] = P2;
solstatus[P,H] = _solution_status_;
create data Qdata from [P H] P1opt P2opt Q1opt Q2opt Qopt solstatus opterror;
Look at the rows marked with (*)
constraint 0 <= P1 <= &P1max; /* (*) */
constraint 0 <= P2 <= &P2max; /* (*) */
As you can see, P1 and P2 have 0 as lower bound, and it worked very well. Now I'm asked to restrict P1 and P2 interval from [0,PMAX] to [PMIN, PMAX], but zero must remain allowed, so the constraints should become
(P1 = 0) OR (&P1min <= P1 <= &P1max)
(P2 = 0) OR (&P2min <= P2 <= &P2max)
Hence this question. I hope I made myself clear now!
Thanks again,
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