I am using a data step (although I could use proc sql) to run through a list of names and generate a report. the names are "Last Name, First Name". I am getting: "ERROR: More positional parameters found than defined." Here is sample code: data namelist; input ID GRP $4. NAME $25. ; datalines; 01 ABCD Smith, John 02 WXYZ Jones, Dorothy 03 MNOP Garcia, Kimberly ; %MACRO test_Report(ID, GRP, NAME); %put ID; %put &GRP; %put &NAME; %MEND; data _NULL_; set namelist; /* columns are ID Group and Name */ call execute( '%test_Report(' || strip(ID) || ',' || strip(GRP) || ',' || %bquote(NAME) || ');' ); run; What am I missing? There has to be a simple way of doing this. Thank you. Stan
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