Hi I'm reading in csv files on the UNIX and using the TERMSTR option in the file statement ( link SAS(R) 9.2 Companion for UNIX Environments) filename csvfile " /projx/file1.csv" termstr=CRLF; data obs_in_ds; infile "csvfile" firstobs=2 dlm=',' dsd missover; input projectid $100.; run; TERMSTR= controls the end-of-line or record delimiters in PC- and UNIX-formatted files. This option enables the sharing of UNIX- and PC-formatted files between the two hosts. The following are values for the TERMSTR= option: CRLF Carriage Return Line Feed. This parameter is used to create PC format files. NL Newline. This parameter is used to create UNIX format files. NL is the default format. Use TERMSTR=CRLF when you are writing to a file that you want to read on a PC. If you use this option when creating the file, then you do not need to use TERMSTR=NL when reading the file on the PC. This works well and do not need to convert the files from PC to unix or vice versa when reading them in. But to avoid changing the code if we receive files in the other format next time it would be good to see if the SAS program can work out which environment the file if from and then use the option or not. Thanks Steve
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