Using Proc Tabulate, if you have a long cell for the first column that spans the first page, for some reason the output skips the first page and begins on the second.
With out changing PROCs and keeping the code for the Tabulate as close to the original as possible, how would I force the Proc to begin on the first page instead of having it skip to the second.
ODS RTF style=daisy File= "__PATH__\TEST SHEET.rtf" ;
ods rtf text= "~S={outputwidth=100% font=('Arial',10pt) just=l foreground=black background=CXD9DEF0} 1.1 WHY DOES THE TABLE NOT START HERE!?" ; * Title;
proc tabulate data=mapsgfk.us_states_attr format=7.0 style=[font=("Arial",9pt) ] ;
class isoname idname /
style=[ font=("Arial",9pt,bold) foreground=black background=CXD4E6F7] missing ;
table (isoname ="" *(all="Total N" idname="") ),
( all="Total") * (N COLPCTN*F=8.1)
/ box=[label=" "
style=[ font=("Arial",9pt) background= CXD4E6F7]]
misstext=" " ;
keylabel N="N" COLPCTN='%' ROWPCTN='%';
classlev isoname idname
/style= [ font=("Arial",9pt,bold)/* indent=10*/ foreground=black background=CXD4E6F7];
keyword N COLPCTN/style=[ font=("Arial",9pt,bold) foreground=black background=CXD4E6F7 ];
keyword ALL /style=[ font=("Arial",9pt,bold) foreground=black background=CXD4E6F7];
run; quit;
ods _all_ close;
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