Below is the code I have been using for Geocoding in SAS. As you can see, I can read only a few variables from CDF_DEALER_OUT dataset by assigning them to a macro. If I am having, say 200-300 variables, I am in a problem. What can I do if I need to have all the fields from CDF_DEALER_OUT in the final dataset: Geocodes_CDF. Greatly appreciate the help. %macro Geocd; %do i= 1 %to &tot; data _null_; nrec= &i; set CDF_DEALER_OUT point=nrec; call symput('a1',translate(trim(address_old),'+',' ')); call symput('add',trim(address_old)); call symput('add1',trim("Street Address"n)); call symput('city',trim(city)); call symput('zip',trim("Post/Zip Code"n)); call symput('country',trim(Country)); stop; run; filename y url ""; *Save the XML code to a file and create an XML Map; filename Googlexm 'C:\Nitish\Canada\Googlexml3.xml'; /*if it a poor match then google will either return status= no ok? or produce more than one match*/ data _null_; infile y lrecl= 32000 pad; input; file Googlexm; put _infile_; *******XML code; run; *XML Map tells the XML engine how to map XML markup to a SAS dataset; filename SXLEMAP 'C:\Nitish\Canada\'; *Use XML engine in LIBNAME statement to read the XML file; libname Googlexm xml xmlmap=SXLEMAP access=READONLY; data results; length Address_Old $ 200 "Street Address"n $ 92 City $ 29 "Post/Zip Code"n 8 Country $ 20 URL $ 300; Address_Old=symget( 'Add'); "Street Address"n=symget('Add1'); City=symget('City'); "Post/Zip Code"n=symget('Zip'); Country=symget('Country'); URL=""; set Googlexm.result(rename=(Formatted_Address=Address_Cleaned)); run; *Dataset to hold all geocoded lat and lng; data Geocodes_CDF; set Geocodes_CDF results; run; data _null_ ; time_wait=sleep(2) ; ******Sleep 2 seconds; run; %end; %mend Geocd; %Geocd;
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