Hello, I am running into this issue and it would be great if someone can help me out. I am using the following statements: goptions vsize=5 hsize=7 gunit=pct cback=white horigin=0.5 ftext=swiss ftitle=swissb htitle=3 htext=3; symbol value=dot interpol=hilobj; proc gplot data=all; plot y * instrument = sample; run; Since I have about 30 samples, SAS seems to be running out of colors and after 12 samples, it starts with the same set of colors but now with other symbols. And, most importantly, it is not drawing those lines connecting the samples (across the 3 instruments) once it switches to the different symbol-so I have lines joining the first 12 samples only. Is there a way to make SAS draw the lines for all the samples (i.e. make SAS use only dots and some more colors additional to the first 12)? Thanks so much for reading!
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