What I mean by " not have header at all" is that I need three rows, with 2 columns each without a header (name/label) row above them. I have not seen an option in Proc Report to leave out this row.
The data block that comes from the existing proc print places the data header correctly, but I just want to add three rows above it. thus the style for the output of TEMP would be different from that of PS.
It seems I am missing something simple here as all I want to do is control the style of these cells.
ods listing close;
ods tagsets.excelxp file= excelout style=Styles.packing
options ( ABSOLUTE_COLUMN_WIDTH = "25,25,8" gridlines = 'Yes' sheet_interval='none' );
ods tagsets.excelxp style=Styles.packing;
/* I would like to add different styles to this block also would be nice to get rid of the extra header row the header row for the next block must come after these rows*/
data _null_;
set temp;
file print
ods=(variables=(data(label=' ' ) filename(label=' ')));
put _ods_;
/* Below is the existing program that gives me the data portion of the report correctly*/
proc print data=ps noobs;
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
This is an idiotically short and useless piece of output that MUST be formatted exactly as they want ;{
Message was edited by: Flip
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