SAS Support Communities

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All RahulG's Badges

RahulG has earned 29 badges!
  • Recognizing 10+ Years
    Recognizing 10+ Years
    Earned by 2,230
    SAS counts everything, and we noticed you're among our longest-term members! You're in an elite group. Thank you for sticking with us all these years.
  • 9 years flew by!
    9 years flew by!
    Earned by 3,897
    Your community membership started like a lump of clay 9+ years ago. We hope it's now like a vase full of beautiful flowers! Thanks for being a part.
  • 8 years of community!
    8 years of community!
    Earned by 11,621
    Can you believe it? You signed up as a community member 8 years ago! Thank you for joining us. Hope your membership delivers more and more!
  • First Accepted Solution
    First Accepted Solution
    Earned by 3,757
    One of your replies has been accepted as a solution. Thanks for the help and congrats on your first accepted solution!
  • Helping Hand
    Helping Hand
    Earned by 423
    Congratulations, 5 of your replies have been marked as solutions! The community appreciates it.
  • Smart Cookie
    Smart Cookie
    Earned by 250
    You're on a roll! 10 of your replies have been accepted solutions. You're one smart cookie.
  • Valuable Player
    Valuable Player
    Earned by 137
    The community couldn't succeed without you, and thanks you for your 25 accepted solutions!
  • First Like Received
    First Like Received
    Earned by 9,650
    Congratulations on receiving your first like!
  • High Five
    High Five
    Earned by 1,994
    Way to be on mark with your responses. You've received 5 likes!
  • Popular
    Earned by 998
    Look at you, head of the class! You now have 10 likes on your community input.
  • Well Done
    Well Done
    Earned by 466
    Hip hip hooray! Great job receiving 25 likes on your ideas.
  • Round Of Applause
    Round Of Applause
    Earned by 277
    Yes! That's the kind of thoughtful advice and input the community really likes, as shown 50 times over on your responses.
  • More Please
    More Please
    Earned by 164
    We can't get enough of your insight. Please keep it coming! Excellent work receiving 100 likes.
  • Encourager
    Earned by 23,575
    That's the attitude, way to give your first like!
  • Motivator
    Earned by 4,401
    Encouragement is a great way to give back to the community. Thanks for giving 5 likes.
  • Community Booster
    Community Booster
    Earned by 2,140
    What a boost you've given the community through marking 10 likes on content.
  • Giving Back
    Giving Back
    Earned by 777
    Thanks for letting the community know what was helpful. Congrats on giving 25 likes.
  • Cheerleader
    Earned by 374
    2, 4, 6, 8, Who do we appreciate? You, for giving 50 likes!
  • Enthusiast
    Earned by 198
    Your enthusiasm is contagious. The community will no doubt follow your example by giving 100 likes for comments. Thank you!
  • First Topic
    First Topic
    Earned by 41,160
    You did it! Thanks for posting your first topic on the community. We look forward to many more.
  • Fire Starter
    Fire Starter
    Earned by 6,536
    Thank you for sparking conversation through 5 topics on the community!
  • Conversation Starter
    Conversation Starter
    Earned by 3,060
    Way to keep the conversation going! You have contributed 10 topics to continue the chatter.
  • First Response
    First Response
    Earned by 38,299
    You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contribution!
  • To The Rescue
    To The Rescue
    Earned by 11,202
    You are a huge help to the community. Thanks for posting 5 responses!
  • Nimble Answerer
    Nimble Answerer
    Earned by 5,730
    Wow you're good! Congratulations on giving the community responses.
  • Just In Time
    Just In Time
    Earned by 2,201
    Do you know how many valuable responses you've made in the community? Exactly 25. Thanks for giving such quick feedback to the community!
  • First Responder
    First Responder
    Earned by 994
    The community relies on you now, with 50 responses under your belt. Thanks for all your valuable input!
  • Fast Rescue
    Fast Rescue
    Earned by 449
    You continue to save the day on the community. Well done on answering your colleagues' questions 100 times!
  • Impressive Attendance 2017
    Impressive Attendance 2017
    Earned by 76
    Thanks for visiting the community at least 100 days during 2017! You're quite the regular around here now.