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DCL has earned 17 badges!
SAS Analytics Explorer
Earned by 6,650
Thank you for being a member of SAS Analytics Explorers AND a member of the SAS community! Keep on exploring!
SASGF 2020 [Virtual] Attendee
Earned by 2,885
Thanks for attending our Virtual SAS Global Forum event! We hope that you Do Great Things with what you learned!
Recognizing 10+ Years
Earned by 2,211
SAS counts everything, and we noticed you're among our longest-term members! You're in an elite group. Thank you for sticking with us all these years.
9 years flew by!
Earned by 3,877
Your community membership started like a lump of clay 9+ years ago. We hope it's now like a vase full of beautiful flowers! Thanks for being a part.
8 years of community!
Earned by 11,590
Can you believe it? You signed up as a community member 8 years ago! Thank you for joining us. Hope your membership delivers more and more!
Community Pioneer
Earned by 11,624
Thanks for moving with us from the old SAS Support Communities site! We can't wait to see what you'll do here!
First Accepted Solution
Earned by 3,750
One of your replies has been accepted as a solution. Thanks for the help and congrats on your first accepted solution!
First Like Received
Earned by 9,635
Congratulations on receiving your first like!
Earned by 23,536
That's the attitude, way to give your first like!
Earned by 4,395
Encouragement is a great way to give back to the community. Thanks for giving 5 likes.
First Topic
Earned by 41,105
You did it! Thanks for posting your first topic on the community. We look forward to many more.
Fire Starter
Earned by 6,531
Thank you for sparking conversation through 5 topics on the community!
Conversation Starter
Earned by 3,051
Way to keep the conversation going! You have contributed 10 topics to continue the chatter.
First Response
Earned by 38,249
You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contribution!
To The Rescue
Earned by 11,192
You are a huge help to the community. Thanks for posting 5 responses!
Nimble Answerer
Earned by 5,720
Wow you're good! Congratulations on giving the community responses.
Just In Time
Earned by 2,199
Do you know how many valuable responses you've made in the community? Exactly 25. Thanks for giving such quick feedback to the community!