GraphGuy has earned 53 badges!
Regular Attendance 202312-12-2023Earned by 188You've visited the community more than 60 different days in 2023! Thanks for showing up and doing your part!
Promising Attendance 202305-01-2023Earned by 461They say you can do just about anything for 30 days -- and you chose to visit the SAS community for 30 days in 2023! Thanks for your dedication!
Promising Attendance 202202-23-2022Earned by 51630 days in 2022! You're kind of a regular around here. We like seeing you -- keep on coming back!
Regular Attendance 202204-12-2022Earned by 203That's 60 days that you visited the community in 2022. We've been spending a lot of time together. People are going to start talking.
Impressive Attendance 202207-20-2022Earned by 101ONE HUNDRED DAYS. We're amazed and honored that you keep coming back. We're thinking about engraving your name on a chair here.
Impressive Attendance 202108-30-2021Earned by 115100 days in 2021! You keep coming back, and we love to keep seeing you here!
Regular Attendance 202106-02-2021Earned by 251Thanks dropping by at least 60 days during 2021! You've become inoculated with some powerful SAS knowledge!
Promising Attendance 202103-31-2021Earned by 820Thanks for visiting SAS communities for at least 30 days in 2021! Keep coming back for your additional doses of SAS knowledge!
Recognizing 10+ Years06-23-2021Earned by 2,217SAS counts everything, and we noticed you're among our longest-term members! You're in an elite group. Thank you for sticking with us all these years.
9 years flew by!06-23-2020Earned by 3,880Your community membership started like a lump of clay 9+ years ago. We hope it's now like a vase full of beautiful flowers! Thanks for being a part.
8 years of community!05-28-2020Earned by 11,595Can you believe it? You signed up as a community member 8 years ago! Thank you for joining us. Hope your membership delivers more and more!
Regular Attendance 202011-16-2020Earned by 280Wow - you've visited at least 60 days during 2020! Thanks for spending your quarantine with your fellow SAS users!
Promising Attendance 202006-26-2020Earned by 876Thanks for visiting SAS communities for at least 30 days in 2020! Nice start for the new decade!
Promising Attendance 201905-30-2019Earned by 882Thanks for visiting SAS communities for at least 30 days in 2019! Keep showing up and showing off!
Regular Attendance 201910-28-2019Earned by 287Wow - you've visited at least 60 days during 2019! Thanks for showing up "on the reg" and sharing your knowledge.
Community Pioneer - Diamond09-08-2015Earned by 13Thanks for moving with us from the old SAS Support Communities site! You earned the rank of "Expert" there, gaining over 1500 points!
First Accepted Solution09-22-2015Earned by 3,754One of your replies has been accepted as a solution. Thanks for the help and congrats on your first accepted solution!
Helping Hand12-27-2015Earned by 423Congratulations, 5 of your replies have been marked as solutions! The community appreciates it.
Smart Cookie09-01-2016Earned by 250You're on a roll! 10 of your replies have been accepted solutions. You're one smart cookie.
Valuable Player03-09-2018Earned by 137The community couldn't succeed without you, and thanks you for your 25 accepted solutions!
Sharp As A Tack08-26-2019Earned by 82Boy, you are sharp. Your expertise is making a difference, and the community appreciates it. Congrats on giving 50 accepted solutions!
Troubleshooter08-01-2023Earned by 56You're a pro and it shows. Congratulations, 100 of your replies have been marked as accepted solutions!
First Like Received10-05-2015Earned by 9,638Congratulations on receiving your first like!
High Five04-07-2016Earned by 1,991Way to be on mark with your responses. You've received 5 likes!
Popular10-25-2016Earned by 995Look at you, head of the class! You now have 10 likes on your community input.
Well Done02-20-2018Earned by 466Hip hip hooray! Great job receiving 25 likes on your ideas.
Round Of Applause01-19-2019Earned by 277Yes! That's the kind of thoughtful advice and input the community really likes, as shown 50 times over on your responses.
More Please12-12-2019Earned by 164We can't get enough of your insight. Please keep it coming! Excellent work receiving 100 likes.
Encourager01-24-2018Earned by 23,546That's the attitude, way to give your first like!
Motivator11-28-2018Earned by 4,397Encouragement is a great way to give back to the community. Thanks for giving 5 likes.
Community Booster04-18-2019Earned by 2,137What a boost you've given the community through marking 10 likes on content.
Giving Back08-27-2019Earned by 773Thanks for letting the community know what was helpful. Congrats on giving 25 likes.
Cheerleader05-26-2020Earned by 3742, 4, 6, 8, Who do we appreciate? You, for giving 50 likes!
Enthusiast04-02-2021Earned by 198Your enthusiasm is contagious. The community will no doubt follow your example by giving 100 likes for comments. Thank you!
Promoter11-01-2021Earned by 83It's so useful to know what info holds more weight for you. Thanks for letting the community know through giving 250 likes.
First Topic09-10-2015Earned by 41,118You did it! Thanks for posting your first topic on the community. We look forward to many more.
Fire Starter09-10-2015Earned by 6,532Thank you for sparking conversation through 5 topics on the community!
Conversation Starter02-14-2022Earned by 3,054Way to keep the conversation going! You have contributed 10 topics to continue the chatter.
First Response09-10-2015Earned by 38,258You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contribution!
To The Rescue09-10-2015Earned by 11,195You are a huge help to the community. Thanks for posting 5 responses!
Nimble Answerer09-10-2015Earned by 5,724Wow you're good! Congratulations on giving the community responses.
Just In Time09-10-2015Earned by 2,199Do you know how many valuable responses you've made in the community? Exactly 25. Thanks for giving such quick feedback to the community!
First Responder09-10-2015Earned by 993The community relies on you now, with 50 responses under your belt. Thanks for all your valuable input!
Fast Rescue09-10-2015Earned by 449You continue to save the day on the community. Well done on answering your colleagues' questions 100 times!
Knight In Shining Armor09-10-2015Earned by 176You've rescued numerous users by providing 250 responses! The community thanks you for all your hard work and dedication.
Agile Supporter09-10-2015Earned by 98You are becoming the community's "right-hand man or woman." Your support is the lifeblood of the group. Keep it up!
Lightning Fast Responder04-25-2018Earned by 54If we blink, we may miss your answers they come in so quickly. You have wowed the community by posting 1000 valuable responses!
SAS Super FREQ03-05-2021Earned by 61SAS community members find you Approachable and Trustworthy. You're a great example for SAS!
SASGF17 Attendee03-20-2017Earned by 1,301"Data knows no boundaries," and YOUR boundaries are sure to expand at SAS Global Forum 2017! Thanks for joining us!
SASGF18 Attendee01-08-2018Earned by 1,569Data can have an extraordinary impact on the world, and YOU are sure to have an extraordinary time at SAS Global Forum 2018!
Promising Attendance 201701-09-2018Earned by 392Whether it was a "month of Sundays" or 30 consecutive days, we appreciate your (at least) 30 days of visits in 2017! We like seeing you around!
Promising Attendance 201805-03-2018Earned by 792We’re thankful for the 30 days you visited our communities this year! We wish you many happy returns!
Regular Attendance 201809-13-2018Earned by 245You might’ve guessed by now: SAS counts everything, so we know – and thank you – for visiting the communities at least 60 days during 2018!