12:30pm - 1:00pm | Registration and Lunch |
1:00pm - 1:05pm | Welcome Remarks Kara Matheson, SHRUG President |
1:05pm - 1:20pm | What's New at SAS? Alice Yuan, SAS Canada |
1:20pm 2:05pm |
R Integration with SAS Viya Please join us for an interactive session on R integration with SAS Viya. The session will include a presentation and live demonstration of how SAS and R can be used together to optimize how you work with data and analytics. We will begin with a brief overview of the various integration points between SAS and open source tools like R, Python, and web apps using APIs. This integration includes both directions of communication: from SAS out to open-source tools, and from open-source tools into SAS. We will then provide a live demonstration of specific methods for integrating R with your existing and future SAS workflows. Time will be reserved for questions and discussion of strategies and tips to take advantage of the best of both SAS and R in your daily work. The session will be led by Jared Linck, PhD, a Senior Solutions Architect at SAS. Jared specializes in the successful integration of SAS and open-source tools -- such as Python, R, and web apps -- to enhance collaboration among users with different skillsets and to help customers get the most out of their data and analytics, using whichever programming languages or graphical interfaces they prefer. Before joining SAS in 2019, Jared spent ten years on the faculty at the University of Maryland, where he primarily worked in R to conduct advanced data analytic methods to extract actionable information from real-world (i.e., messy!) data. He earned a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University. Note: this will be a virtual presentation. |
2:05pm - 2:30pm | Presentation TBD |
2:30pm - 3:00pm | Networking Break |
3:00pm - 3:25pm | Trivia and Prize |
3:25pm - 3:35pm | Closing Remarks |