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Ask the Expert: What is Deep Learning?


What is Deep Learning?


In this webinar, we’ll introduce you to the fundamental components of deep learning and detail how deep learning is different from traditional neural network modeling. SAS expert Robert Blanchard will present and answer your questions at the end of the webinar. You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of deep learning.
  • How to use deep learning in SAS.
  • What autoencoder models are and how they can be used.

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Tue, Feb 8, 2022 11:00 AM EST
Tue, Feb 8, 2022 12:00 PM EST
Barite | Level 11

Thanks for the inspiring webinar!

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Thank you for attending! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. We'll be posting the slides, code and Q&A transcript to the Ask the Expert board in a few days. 

Fluorite | Level 6

Very useful, thank you

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Thank you for attending. I'm glad you found the content useful. We'll share the slides, code and Q&A in the Ask the Expert board in the next few days.