I am running the following model to run a repeated measures ancova. the data has 2 treatment groups, 2 stratification levels and 5 time points (baseline, 1m, 6m, 12m, 24m). The dependent variable is the score at post-baseline time points (1,6,12,24 months).
My question is, how do I get an overall p-value for the 3-way interaction at each post-baseline timepoint? I am not sure of how to write a contrast statement to accomplish this? Please help!
proc mixed data=growth noclprint order=formatted covtest noitprint method=reml;
class group pt strata time(ref="1");
model score = baseline_score group time time*group strata group*strata time*strata time*group*strata/solution ddfm=bw notest;
random pt /vcorr;
lsmeans time*group*strata/pdiff cl ;
ods output SolutionF=est_(keep=effect estimate stderr probt)
LSMeans=lsm_(keep=effect group strata time estimate lower upper)
Diffs=diff_(keep=effect group strata _group _strata time _time estimate lower upper probt);
Here is a contrast statement that works: (you can write the statement for other time points in a similar fashion)
proc mixed data=growth noclprint order=formatted covtest noitprint method=reml;
class group pt strata time(ref="1");
model score = baseline_score group time time*group strata group*strata time*strata time*group*strata/solution ddfm=bw notest;
random pt /vcorr;
contrast 'pvalue at 1 month'
group*strata 1 -1 -1 1 time*group*strata 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0;
lsmeans time*group*strata/pdiff cl ;
ods output Contrasts=cont_(keep=label probf)
SolutionF=est_(keep=effect estimate stderr probt)
LSMeans=lsm_(keep=effect group strata time estimate lower upper)
Diffs=diff_(keep=effect group strata _group _strata time _time estimate lower upper probt);
Do you mean the interaction of group and strata at each value of time? In other words, a two-way interaction rather than three-way?
If so, then you can do this using the LSMESTIMATE statement, with the AT option to specify an appropriate value for baseline_score at which to estimate the lsmeans. It's worth taking the time to figure out how to use the nonpositional syntax for LSMESTIMATE. See
Here is a contrast statement that works: (you can write the statement for other time points in a similar fashion)
proc mixed data=growth noclprint order=formatted covtest noitprint method=reml;
class group pt strata time(ref="1");
model score = baseline_score group time time*group strata group*strata time*strata time*group*strata/solution ddfm=bw notest;
random pt /vcorr;
contrast 'pvalue at 1 month'
group*strata 1 -1 -1 1 time*group*strata 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0;
lsmeans time*group*strata/pdiff cl ;
ods output Contrasts=cont_(keep=label probf)
SolutionF=est_(keep=effect estimate stderr probt)
LSMeans=lsm_(keep=effect group strata time estimate lower upper)
Diffs=diff_(keep=effect group strata _group _strata time _time estimate lower upper probt);
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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