Hello- I have run a few models with glimmix and there is something that has confused me and still does. I hope someone can help me figure out what is going on. Right now, I am working on some data whose outcome variable is binary. There are also repeated measurements. So if I run a 'relatively' simple model, say:
proc glimmix data=subset5;
class wave hhid;
model injury(event='1')= arthrit male wave wave*arthrit wave*male / s d=b;
random _residual_/ sub=hhid type=cs;
Where the outcome injury and the covariates arthrit male are coded as 1 or 0.
So I obtain my Type III tests of fixed effects. The p values for these are:
Num Den
Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F
arthrit 1 2974 33.73 <.0001
male 1 2974 16.45 <.0001
wave 3 1911 1.83 0.1387
arthrit*wave 3 2974 0.64 0.5902
male*wave 3 2974 0.35 0.7880
However, when I look at the solution, the p-values do not correspond at all. For instance, the p-values for simple effects such as arthrit and male are:
Effect wave Estimate Error DF t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept -2.0517 0.3033 905 -6.76 <.0001
arthrit 0.4077 0.2432 2974 1.68 0.0938
male 0.2071 0.2719 2974 0.76 0.4464
Can someone please explain to me what is going on? Thank you in advance.