I have three strata factors (age group, disease stage, sex) and when I want to do CMH test, someone told me that I have to put all three strata factors together, which give insignificant p value:
proc freq data=mydata;
table agegr * sex * dis_stag* trt_arm * resp / cmh;
but when I put the strata factors one by one, I found two of them (age group and disease stage) gave significant p value for a certain subgroup.
table agegr * trt_arm * resp / cmh;
table dis_stag* trt_arm * resp / cmh;
Now the question is, can I analyze the data using only one strata, knowing that both the experiment was designed and subjects were randomized based on all 3 strata factors? Is using all three strata factors in CMH more defend-able than using only one strata factors?