dear all,
I have a question related to proc nlmixed. I am reading following SAS article:
The original SAS code in this article is:
proc nlmixed data=tree;
parms b1=190 b2=700 b3=350 s2u=1000 s2e=60;
num = b1+u1;
ex = exp(-(day-b2)/b3);
den = 1 + ex;
model y ~ normal(num/den,s2e);
random u1 ~ normal(0,s2u) subject=tree;
I changed the above code to following:
proc nlmixed data=tree;
parms b1=190 b2=700 b3=350 s2u=1000 s2e=60;
num = b1+u1;
ex = exp(-(day-b2)/b3);
den = 1 + ex;
lh = pdf('normal', y , num/den, s2e);
ll = log(lh);
model y ~ general(ll);
random u1 ~ normal(0,s2u) subject=tree;
The parameter estimates of two codes are almost identical except for one parameter "s2e". The "s2e" from original code is 61.5; however the "s2e" from modified code is only 7.8.
I thought the two codes should give same results. Can anyone point out what went wrong in modified code?
Thank you very much!