a. The assumption for the chi-square test is violated since one cell has less than 10 observations and
Cramer’s V is 0.3703 indicating a median effect size.
b. Houses with less than two full bathrooms and houses with two or more full bathrooms are equally
likely of having a bonus.
c. The odds ratio of getting a bonus for homes with two or more full bathrooms when compared to
homes that have less than two full bathrooms that are not of above average quality is 64.5.
d. None of the above statements is true.
The solution says the answer is d, but I think c is true. Since the odds ratio in the last table says the odds ratio of not getting a bonus for column1 (homes without 2 or more baths) compared to column2 (homes with 2 or more baths) is 64.5 and that means the opposite: odds ratio of getting a bonus for column2 compared to column1 is also 64.5. Can someone explain me why c isn't true?
Also, another question I am stuck at is:
6. In assessing variable importance as it related to the variable, BONUS, the value of Worth for the variable, FULLBATH_2PLUS, is:
a. 67.75
b. 45.13
c. 78.42
d. 23.33
I know the formula for variable worth is -2log(p) but in case the p value is not specified as in the table above, (the p-value is p<0.0001) how do you answer the question? (The questions are not meant to use SAS program.) The answer for Q6 is a.
Thanks in advance!