I have 5 imputed datasets (outMI), and I have the following code to compute polychoric correlation matrices from the 5 imputed datasets (to create dataset polycorr_MI):
proc corr data=outMI outplc=polycorr_MI (TYPE=CORR);
var x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15;
There was a great (old) thread about how to combine multiple pearson correlation matrices from imputed datasets to create one combined correlation matrix:
However, the code given is only for pearson correlations, not for polychoric correlations. How can I combine the 5 polychoric correlation matrices using proc mianalyze (or another proc?)
Is there a similar way to do this combination when you have polychoric and not pearson correlations?
Any help is appreciated!