I am relatively new to working with ROC curves and associated AUC statistic, thus had a question regarding the output from PROC LOGISTIC when you use the ROC statement.
I understand that the AUC is equivalent to the result obtained with Mann-Whitney test.
However if Mann-Whitney is a nonparametric test, how can it be associated with a Wald 95% CI's? I thought that Wald assumed an approximate normal distribution? I suspect this is related to the central limit theorem, however the ROC results show that Mann-Whitney is the overall header for the AUC, the Wald SE, and the Wald 95% CI. Is it that the Mann-Whitney is used to calculate the AUC, however a normal distribution is assumed to calculate a Wald SE.
How would this be reported in a journal paper? "AUC were calculated using Mann-Whitney statistic with associated Wald 95% confidence intervals."
thank you for the advice and assistance,
- mike