Please i am a user of R and i want to know how this problem can be tackled in SAS.
I've been working on this R code and tried to replicate it in SAS.
survdiff(formula=Surv(time,status)~Tx, data=leuk, rho=0).
I know sas has a code where you request for the logrank test, but i want to be able to change my "rho". I can do that in R relatively easily and i want to know if there's a way it could be done in SAS.
A typical program for the log rank test in SAS is this:
proc lifetest method=km plots=(s) data=bmtZ10eq1;
strata grp / test= logrank;
time T2*d3(0) ;
Two question i have is: What rho was used in the SAS program and is it possible to vary my value of rho in SAS?
For example, in R, rho=0: chi Squre=16.8; P value=0.0000417 and when i changed my rho =1, Chisqure=14.5; P value= 0.000143