Hi all,
I have a very introductory understanding of SAS, but it is widely used in my department. I am working on a rapeseed pod shatter evaluation trial where pod shatter tolerance of 194 genotypes is being studied.
The design is RCBD, each genotype is replicated 3 times (rep=block) and there are 4 siteyears (environments). Fixed variables include genotype and siteyear, the random variable is block nested in siteyear. Shatter tolerance is my dependent variable, where a rating of 1-9 is approximated based on visual observation in the field.
1 = 10% or < pods intact
2 = 20% pods intact
3 = 30% pods intact
4 = 40% pods intact
5 = 50% pods intact
6 = 60% pods intact
7 = 70% pods intact
8 = 80% pods intact
9 = 90% or > pods intact
I have been instructed to analyse the data using PROC GLIMMIX with a multinomial distribution and cumulative logit link. An alternative method has been suggested using the beta distribution and converting my ratings into proportions – although I’m not sure that is correct since the ratings are an estimate of percentage not an actual measurement. I am interested in the statistical significance of genotype, siteyear and genotype*siteyear, as well as performing a multiple comparison test (which I believe can be done with LSMEANS?).
Is GLIMMIX the best option for analysing this type of ordinal data? If anyone could provide me with some insight, it would be much appreciated. I have attached the code I have been using and a sample of my data. Thank you!
proc Glimmix data=shatter method=laplace;
class siteyear genotype block;
model sh_tol = genotype|siteyear / dist=mult link=cumlogit;
random block(siteyear);
store glimres;
covtest / wald;
proc plm restore=glimres;
lsmeans genotype siteyear/ ilink pdiff adjust=bon;
ods output diffs=ppp lsmeans=mmm;
ods listing exclude diffs lsmeans;
Sample data
data shatter;
input siteyear$ block genotype sh_tol;
siteyear block genotype sh_tol
22_SH1_CM 1 10 6
22_SH1_CM 2 10 5
22_SH1_CM 3 10 3
22_SH1_CM 1 11 5
22_SH1_CM 2 11 6
22_SH1_CM 3 11 6
22_SH1_CM 1 12 4
22_SH1_CM 2 12 3
22_SH1_CM 3 12 3
22_SH1_PT 1 10 1
22_SH1_PT 2 10 4
22_SH1_PT 3 10 1
22_SH1_PT 1 11 2
22_SH1_PT 2 11 4
22_SH1_PT 3 11 3
22_SH1_PT 1 12 2
22_SH1_PT 2 12 1
22_SH1_PT 3 12 1
23_SH1_CM 1 10 7
23_SH1_CM 2 10 7
23_SH1_CM 3 10 3
23_SH1_CM 1 11 4
23_SH1_CM 2 11 2
23_SH1_CM 3 11 3
23_SH1_CM 1 12 7
23_SH1_CM 2 12 6
23_SH1_CM 3 12 6
23_SH1_PT 1 10 8
23_SH1_PT 2 10 6
23_SH1_PT 3 10 7
23_SH1_PT 1 11 5
23_SH1_PT 2 11 2
23_SH1_PT 3 11 4
23_SH1_PT 1 12 6
23_SH1_PT 2 12 4
23_SH1_PT 3 12 5
Some remarks :
By the way ... I have moved tis topic to "Statistical Procedures" - board under Analytics header.
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