SASware Ballot Ideas

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I was exploring SAS VA, and created a crosstab section. But the moment i found that there are no data in any intersaction that row disappears from the crosstab. But our management prefers that whether there are data or not, all the rows should be there in the crosstab, either with zero or missing value. I was managed to finally do that by inserting empty rows for all the combination. But the file size becomes very big. Other software (Tableau) that our office is also exploring have this capability with a simple menu option. So, i would suggest that SAS VA should incorporate this functionality so that we can do this kind of crosstab without restructing data.




Fluorite | Level 6

Could this be done to other charts too (bar, pie etc)? Would be useful to keep bars even if they have no data.

Fluorite | Level 6

Hi Edaynes,

I think it would work, (i do not remember but i think i tried using a bar cahrt and it worked) in other charts too. Just insert empty records in all dimentions where you prefer to have filters. (Use cartision products)



Fluorite | Level 6
Hi Badal

Thanks for that. I'll give it a go.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thanks for your idea. We will consider this in a future release.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Suggestion Implemented

Hi there,

If you insert empty rows at the row or column that you want to appear, they'll appear as missing data.